Message from the founder....
Born and raised in Georgia as well as calling Amsterdam and Dubai home, Jil embodies a global citizen, truly embracing a culturally-diverse environment.
Working in a male-dominated industry, like banking or high- tech, women realize the importance of an appropriate, self-reflective dress code.
As we strive towards perfectionism and assimilate to be accepted by our peers, we sometimes find ourselves trading off our real selves to adapt to the workforce. It can mean putting our feminine clothing aside, and transforming through suits or uniforms dictated by the industry, environment, or our perceptions.
During my corporate career, I would get a question:
"How do you manage to stay so feminine?"
"Without fear of judgment" was the unspoken, secondary question.
In short, yes, expectations and judgment do often inform our perceptions.
I decided to answer this question that many of my female colleagues in corporate spaces face, and create a brand which provides a fully customized experience that is authentic and real.
AVAZA is about taking a journey through self-discovery, love, care, and confidently communicating your true identity to others. This journey is about celebration and empowerment of SELF. With AVAZA, a one of a kind collection, our style and design are an accurate reflection of our clients' inner beauty. As no two selves are identical, we never repeat designs which means that exclusivity belongs to the owner
So are you ready to start your journey with us?